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Praise for Round Table Theatre Company's "Hamlet" - East Hampton Star, November 11, 2014

The cast performs wonderfully. Mr. Vaughan is a charming Hamlet — the audience sympathizes with his suffering and indecisiveness as he learns about his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal. His interest in humanity of all kinds shines through, from his “What a piece of work is man” soliloquy to his tender ruminations on the skull of “poor Yorick.” 

Praise for Morgan Vaughan in "Good People" - Southampton Press, November 6, 2012

Morgan Vaughan—starring as Margaret, or “Margie,” as she is called throughout the play, a down-on-her

luck, recently fired dollar store cashier in South Boston—is well deserving of the highest

praise for the best acting. This woman, whom I know to be a beautiful, young ingenue type in real

life is so utterly convincing on stage as a wornout, middle-aged, destitute single mother at the end

of her rope that I was actually shocked. Everything about Ms. Vaughan became Margie—from her

posture, to the way she made her body appear larger, her face harder, her appearance a decade or

more older (without any theatrical makeup that I could see), and turning her normally modulated

and melodious voice into a harsh Southie accent. The transformation was complete and incredible.


If there was an East End version of the Tony Awards, I would put Ms. Vaughan (who appeared in

this production courtesy Actors’ Equity) up against the venerable Tony Award-winning

actor Lillias White—who played the title role in “Big Maybelle” at Bay Street Theatre in Sag Harbor earlier this year—for best performance by a female lead. Heck, I would put Ms. Vaughan up against Frances McDormand, who won Best Leading Actress in a Play for the same role at the 2011 Tony Awards.

Brava, brava, brava Ms. Vaughan!

Praise for Morgan Vaughan in "Other Desert Cities" -
East Hampton Star, November 6, 2012

It is Morgan Vaughan as Brooke who steals the spotlight. Her heartbreaking portrayal of a woman on the verge — of losing her mind, of publishing another book, of telling her family what she really thinks of them — is brought to a head in the second act, and Ms. Vaughan’s performance is heartfelt and real every step of the way.

Praise for Round Table Theatre Company's "Macbeth" - Southampton Press, January 17, 2013

When it comes to acting, Shakespeare separates the men from the boys. Or to put it in more politically correct terms, the works of Shakespeare quickly make apparent the differences between the talented actor who has studied and mastered his or her craft and the rank amateur.


Fortunately for the great majority of actors of the newly formed Round Table Theatre Co. & Academy, the Bard’s aims are well and clearly represented in “Macbeth,” now staging at LTV Studios in Wainscott. This

production, directed by Tristan Vaughan and starring Jeff Keogh in the title role, is quite strong, well acted and a joy to watch.


Mr. Keogh is commanding and charismatic. He’s believable in all moments—from the heroic to the mad—and was, alone, worth the price of admission for the nearly sold-out crowd on Saturday night.


But he had help, and lots of it, from the rest of the cast. In particular, Morgan Vaughan shone as the bloodthirsty and power hungry Lady Macbeth.

The sum total of all of these inherently ‘right’ choices add up to wise direction by Tristan Vaughan.

Praise for "Extremities"  directed by Tristan Vaughan, Bridgehampton, NY - Southampton Press

Classical. Shakespeare. Instruction. Performance. 


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